Lumpias are spring rolls of Chinese origin that have become a staple food in Indonesia and the Phillipines. Filled with Pork and vegetables, they are usually fried until golden brown and crisp. Their cheap cost and ease of prep makes these a great meal to make a batch of and fry up a few at…
Denver Omelette Casserole
I seen this recipe for a breakfast casserole. It’s basically a huge omelette that you can prep the night before and then throw it in the oven for a half hour in the morning as you’re getting ready for the day. This recipe will make enough to eat off of all week, just wrap with…
Spicy Sausage and Cheese Dip
You can always use a recipe for a good spicy sausage dip. This one is a good side for any football get together. It only takes about 30 minutes to prep and cook and 2/3rds of that is just waiting for the cheese to bubble. Ingredients:
Chicken Cordon Bleu
This recipe is for a quick Chicken Cordon Bleu dinner. It has it’s roots in Switzerland of all places, but was more American-ized in the 50’s. It’s a nice take on the normal baked chicken and makes for a nice entree with some masked potatoes and greenbeans on the side, or, don’t bread the chicken…
Guy Fieri’s Tex Wasabi Menu
Guy Fieri is one of those tv personalities that I just don’t care for. It’s the look of his that just screams “trying to cling to youth” that I find annoying. I do give him credit as a cook tho and he does make for entertaining television. He’s been in the restaraunt game for a…
Brown Sugar & Bacon Pork Roast
This weekend the store had a great sale on pork, and at $2 a pound, I couldn’t pass it up. So with 14 pounds of Pork, I had to find some good recipes to help switch it up. This one for Bacon Wrapped Pork Loin is great for a stick-to-your-ribs meal. Ingredients:
Pork Stew
With winter coming up, Stews make a great stick-to-your-ribs meal that will feed you for a few days for only a few dollars a serving. Try out this recipe over the weekend and you’ll be surprised how good it tastes even into the middle of the week. Ingredients:
Sweet and Sour Pineapple Pork
This dish is a great stir fry dish that will feed 4 for only about $12-15 and can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes. You can swap out the pork for beef or chicken if you like, or really change it up with Spam. Ingredients:
Football Bacon Beans
I made this recipe Sunday for the first games of football. It was really cheap and fed a whole group of people with leftovers for a few days. It’s the ultimate “Combine Everything and Put it on Low” recipe that frees you up to do other things while you are waiting for it to cook.…
Karađorđeva Šnicla
(Карађорђева шницла) is a Serbian breaded cutlet dish named after the Serbian Prince Karadjordje. It is a rolled veal or pork steak, stuffed with kajmak and bacon, and breaded and baked (or fried). It is usually served with roasted potatoes and tartar sauce. The steak is a modern invention, created by chef Mića Stojanović in 1959 who, when needed to prepare Chicken Kiev for a distinguished visitor from Russia, was faced with lack of poultry. He used…