New Vs. Re-Issue
All guitarists are in search of that “tone” whether it’s a rock legend that they want to copy or just the quest for the perfect tone that raises the hair on their back. “Tone” is something that can’t really even be described. It’s a combination of so many minutely, user-dependant, changes in sound that it…
Big Muff Fuzz D.I.Y. Info
Electro Harmonix’s Big Muff Fuzz Pedal is such a legendary effect. All the sustain and distortion you can want for metal or roll back the levels and get a nice dirty blueshouse sound. Looking around I found a site that has a ton of info about fuzz boxes, including the Big Muff and a ton…
Great Site: Amptone.com
Looking around for different guitar tone and trick sites, this site sums up so much info it’s unreal. Whoever runs it really put in some work compiling and archiving information on just about everything you can think of for pedals and amps. It’s definitely worth checking out if you play guitar or bass or are…
Panama by Van Halen Guitar Tab
Here’s the main riff to Van Halen’s Panama. It came on this morning on the drive to work and it’s been stuck in my head all day. Great song and some excellent runs based off of this main progression. E Esu4 B E E B D Dsu4 A ——————————–|————————-|- -9—-10—–7——9——10-7-|-7—–8—–7———–|- -9—–9—–8——9——-9-8-|-7—–7—–8———–|- -9—–9—–9——9——-9-9-|-7—–7—–9—–7\\\–|- -7—–7————7——-7—|-5—–5———–O\\\–|- —O-O—O-O—O-O—-O-O——-|—O-O—O-O————-|-
How to Relic a Guitar
Guitar Relicing is the practice of making a new guitar look like it has been on the road gigging for years. It’s basically taking the guitar and beating it up, scratching it, nicking, scratching and dinging it up, and forcing 20 years of traveling and shows into a weekend. How to Relic Your Guitar
Fender Silverface Twin Reverb Schematics
Yep, The title says it all. These are the electrical schematics for a ’74 Silver Twin Reverb. In case you need to change any wiring, pots, resistors or tubes, this print will help keep it all organized for you. MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you do not know how to properly discharge the capacitors on the amp…
Digitech Ipad IPB-10
So this has to be one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a long time. It uses your iPad as a brain for all the different effects, amps and pedals. Great idea by a great company. When the price drops a bit on these, I will definitely be picking one up.
Herman Li Guitar Tricks
Here’s a youtube vid I found of Dragonforce’s guitarist Herman Li explaining how he makes all those wacked out noises using just his guitar, a Floyd Rose and some distortion. The guy really does have some chops for having such a computerized sound, they use a ton of overdubbing tho so at times there’s 8…
Electro Harmonix Effectoloy
Here’s a link to a Electro-Harmonix’s “Effectology” page where they show you tons of ways to create all sorts of sounds samples using only a guitar and their effect pedals. Click Here to check out all the different sounds you can make. No Synths, computers, samplers, or midi controls, just old school strings and stompboxes.…