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Homemade Slivovitz, No Still Needed!

This recipe I found is for an easy to make Slivovitz without the need for a still setup. This only requires a bottle of Everclear and some Plums and Sugar. Since you’re not making your own mash to distill from, the total cost should only be about +-$30 for about 2 5ths of Slivo, which is cheaper than the usual $20 or so for decent slivovitz from the liquor store.

This does take about 3 months or so to get up to taste, so if you make it over the holidays, it can make for a nice Easter present or after holiday dinner drink. Even tho most Slivovitz is Kosher, that’s for the Home Distilled Kind, Using Everclear, which is grain based, will definitely put this drink over the non-kosher line.

Ingredients:Read More »Homemade Slivovitz, No Still Needed!

DIY Wasp/Bee/Hornet Trap

So here’s a clean, easy, eco-friendly way to catch and kill all those annoying flying bugs during the summer.  This tap only takes a few minutes to build but you can easily fill one of these with hundreds of the bodies of your drowned enemies within an hour.

Follow these few simple steps to clean up your next backyard party:Read More »DIY Wasp/Bee/Hornet Trap

How to Relic a Guitar

Guitar Relicing is the practice of making a new guitar look like it has been on the road gigging for years. It’s basically taking the guitar and beating it up, scratching it, nicking, scratching and dinging it up, and forcing 20 years of traveling and shows into a weekend.

How to Relic Your GuitarRead More »How to Relic a Guitar

D.I.Y. Cold Smoker

Cold Smoking is needed if you want to smoke cheese, olives, fish and other items that don’t need a high heat to cook, or items that you want to impart a nice strong smokey flavor.  I’ve seen these from time to time and gave it a try the other weekend.  It turned out pretty good and was a fun little 2 hour project while sipping on a cold beer with some good tunes.

Parts:Read More »D.I.Y. Cold Smoker