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August 2012

Chimmichurri Sauce

Chimmichurri is a South American sauce used for grilled meat. It is originally from Argentina but is also used in Uruguay, Bolivia, and in countries as far north as Nicaragua, Colombia and Mexico. It’s a quick paste to make up but tastes delicious and adds a fresh kick ot anything grilled.

Ingredients:Read More »Chimmichurri Sauce

D.I.Y. Cold Smoker

Cold Smoking is needed if you want to smoke cheese, olives, fish and other items that don’t need a high heat to cook, or items that you want to impart a nice strong smokey flavor.  I’ve seen these from time to time and gave it a try the other weekend.  It turned out pretty good and was a fun little 2 hour project while sipping on a cold beer with some good tunes.

Parts:Read More »D.I.Y. Cold Smoker

Curiosity Rover has Landed on Mars!

The Rover

The Curiosity rover is a car-sized Mars rover currently exploring Gale Crater, near the equator of Mars. The rover is the largest to date, and is designed to examine whether Mars could have once supported life. It arrived on the Martian surface on 6 August 2012, after leaving Earth on 26 November 2011. These are the first pictures that Curiosity sent back to Earth. Read More »Curiosity Rover has Landed on Mars!

Free Slenderman Game!

This game is beyond freaky. It’s a great game because it focuses just on creeping you out.  There’s no violence, no insane imagery or graphics engines rendering anything out of this world.  It’s just you running thru a park, a flashlight, trying to find 8 notes about the Slenderman without actually running into the Slenderman. Read More »Free Slenderman Game!