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Do It Yourself

Marinated Garlic Salad

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Here’s a super easy recipe for all you Garlic lovers out there. Marinated Garlic goes great on the side of Steaks / Chicken / Pork or vegetables. You can also add Hot Peppers to the jars as well. Jalapenos and some Chili powder for a southwest flavor, a few drops of Sesame Oil and a couple Thai Chiles for an Asian style or Scotch Bonnet peppers and a tsp of Allspice for a Jamaican Jerk style Garlic.

Pickled Spicy Garlic
Pickled Spicy Garlic

Ingredients:Read More »Marinated Garlic Salad

Homemade Cured Bacon

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I found this instructable on making your own cured bacon. It was taken from a recipe out of  Charcuterie. This would make for a really neat weekend project, plus it will give you the option to add your own seasonings and flavors…. maybe a Sweet Habanero Breakfast Bacon.


Ingredients:Read More »Homemade Cured Bacon

Japanese Rose Pickled Ginger

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I am absolutely addicted to the pickled ginger that you find at all the sushi houses. Fresh Pickled Ginger with Wasabi and Soy sauce is so flavorful to me that it goes great on all types of dishes. The price however, is off putting. The small jar of ginger at the store runs about 7 bucks for the small 8 oz jar. If you go thru a ton of this, it definitely is more price effective to make your own, which is surprisingly easy to make.

Japanese Rosy Pickled Ginger (Gari)Read More »Japanese Rose Pickled Ginger

Apple Pie ‘Shine

Around the holidays, Apple cider starts to pop up in all the stores for really cheap. This recipe makes a helluva tasty drink that is pretty strong, and it is perfect for the holiday season.  You can drink it cold for a refreshing taste or heat it up for a cozy sipper after dinner. The recipe is basic and cheap, which works out perfect for the holidays as you don’t have to spend much and you can make gifts out of it, because really, who doesn’t like a nice gift of booze?!?

Ingredients:Read More »Apple Pie ‘Shine

DIY Wasp/Bee/Hornet Trap

So here’s a clean, easy, eco-friendly way to catch and kill all those annoying flying bugs during the summer.  This tap only takes a few minutes to build but you can easily fill one of these with hundreds of the bodies of your drowned enemies within an hour.

Follow these few simple steps to clean up your next backyard party:Read More »DIY Wasp/Bee/Hornet Trap