Panama by Van Halen Guitar Tab
Here’s the main riff to Van Halen’s Panama. It came on this morning on the drive to work and it’s been stuck in my head all day. Great song and some excellent runs based off of this main progression. E Esu4 B E E B D Dsu4 A ——————————–|————————-|- -9—-10—–7——9——10-7-|-7—–8—–7———–|- -9—–9—–8——9——-9-8-|-7—–7—–8———–|- -9—–9—–9——9——-9-9-|-7—–7—–9—–7\\\–|- -7—–7————7——-7—|-5—–5———–O\\\–|- —O-O—O-O—O-O—-O-O——-|—O-O—O-O————-|-
BP-200: Anethesia Settings
This is pretty close of to the tone Cliff has for Metallica’s Anethesia Bass. Make sure you use the bridge pickup if possible to get those extra high notes squealing. Digitech’s BP-200 Bass Processor Parameter Settings:
BP-200 Mo-Town / Funky Ampeg
You can use this patch to get that deep bassy funk sound like James Jamerson or Donald Dunn. It’s great for covering almost any funk, R&B, MoTown or most rock songs from the 60’s-70’s. It’s setup using a DI box or headphones, so depending on the amp and cab you are using, you will probably…
“Far Behind” CandleBox Guitar Tab
This is an older song that has a great opening guitar riff and just about everyone has heard it before. It was on the radio a few times this weekend and I just had to put the first part up here. Kick on some chorus and a slight delay and you have a nice little…
Guitar Scales Cheat Sheet
I wanted to post this just to have a quick guide up for a reference when needing a different scale pattern to use on the fly. This info came from a variety of sources that I found while browsing around the other day. So, Let’s start with the basic patterns for the main scales everyone…
Cake’s I Will Survive Bass Tab
Cake is pretty good band, they definitely have some good chops and songwriting skills. A few years ago they covered I Will Survive and did one helluva job. Here’s the bassline for it, which is repeated throughout the whole song.
Billie Jean Bass Tab
Here’s the bass tab for Mikey J’s classic song, Billi Jean. Everyone knows the bassline for this song, it’s just that popular. It’s really easy to play and once you get the hang of it, you can break off into your own runs on the in-betweens. RIFF.1 (in F#)
Creating Your Own Hit Songs
There’s no “set-in-stone” method to writing a song. Each type of music is a little bit different than the rest, which is what gives them their “oomph”. The beauty of music is it can be anything, Phil Collins made songs using just drum beats and a melody, Skrillex and Dead Mau5 layer noise on top…
Anesthesia / Pulling Teeth Bass Tab
Anesthesia by Metallica Bass Tab So Whenever this song comes on I can’t help but feel like jamming out along with it. Cliff was an amazing bassist that really did get snuffed out before he was able to really shine. Here’s one of the best metal songs played for bass guitar. Tabbed out by TomRobertsKelly@hotmail.com…
A Vulgar Picture : Guitar Tab
I’ve been on quite a Metal kick this week. Here’s the tabs to one of my favorite songs. It’s a high energy, fast paced, kick you in the teeth and steal your car type of tune that is tons of fun to play along with on guitar. A VULGAR PICTURE The Black Dahlia Murder (From…