New Lonely Island Video: Y.O.L.O.
The Lonely Island guys always make some awesome videos. Here’s a new one that’s pretty good, I’m sure it’s gonna make some bank off of the Youtube ads.
Chicken Picken’ and Country Guitar Basics
Chicken Picken’ is a guitar style of quick country runs and banjo style rolls. A mix of bends, double stops, slapping and popping the strings and a twangy guitar is standard for ay country tune from the beginning. These are a few licks from a youtube video I found that goes over a little lesson.…
Breaking Bad: Canada
Velveeta and Beef Burritos
This weekend there was a sale on Velveeta and Ground beef so why not make the most of it. This whole meal cost about $40 and that included the 30 Pack. It’s cheap, easy and it will last a few days so you can make burritos, enchiladas, tostadas, nachos…. and on and on. Ingredients:
Guns and Roses: Live at the Ritz ’88
You can’t go wrong with old school Guns and Roses before Slash left and Axel consoled himself with chimichangas and lard. This concert from back in ’88, 24 years ago. It’s So Easy Mr Brownstone Outta Get Me Sweet Child of Mine My Michelle Welcome to the Jungle Night Train Paradise City Rocket Queen Knocking…
Django Unchained
Finally got to check out Django Unchained and I thought it was a great movie. It clocks in a bit over 3 hours which is ass numbing long but there are a ton of great scenes. Samuel L Jackson totally steals every scene he’s in with just the looks he gives and his lines are…
New Subway Sriracha Sauce
Foodbeast dropped some awesome news today, Subway is launching a new Creamy Sriracha Sauce!!! So far, the new sauce is only available in a few Santa Ana, Ca shops. It doesn’t seem to be part of a new sandwich promotion but that can always change
Godfather Restaurant Scene
There’s a scene in The Godfather where Michael sits down for a dinner meeeting with Virgil Solozzo and Mark McCluskey. It’s such a great scene in movie history. At one point during the sit-down, Solozzo speaks to Michael in Italian, and there’s no subtitles because he’s speaking so quickly. Here is the go-between after being…
James Brown – Out of Sight
No one has a better entrance than James Brown. Here’s one of his classics, Out Of Sight!