Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie is a 2004 American comedy film, the spiritual sequel to Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004). Directed by Adam McKay and written by McKay and Will Ferrell, it stars Ferrell, Christina Applegate, David Koechner, Steve Carell, and Paul Rudd as the KVWN Channel 4 News Team. Wake Up, Ron Burgundy follows the team investigating the extremist organization The Alarm Clock who are robbing banks while trying to convey a message they haven’t figured out yet.
The film was assembled from unused footage shot during the filming of Anchorman, making use of abandoned subplots, alternate takes and edited scenes. Featuring new voice-over narration, it follows a completely different plot arc that was cut from Anchorman, and was released straight to DVD on December 28, 2004 available on box sets and some editions of Anchorman.