Tag: Video

  • Positivity

    This s a clip that I’ve seen years and years ago but also think of as soon whenever something goes right. I give to you, one of the best and most uplifting quotes of the modern age from a young Mr. Milhouse Van Houton.

  • New Kick-Ass 2 Trailer!

    The new trailer really makes this one look like it’s going to be good. usually sequels aren’t close to the originals but with this comic book style of movie, there’s alot of potential. Plus with Jim Carrey playing a role and McLovin changing up his character, I’m def going to download it haha. Get More:…

  • Sinewaves and Water Trick

    A freeflowing stream of water flowing down alongside a speaker playing a constant sine wave has got to be the coolest thing I’ve seen in a while. The guy has is set up so that it also has a forward and a reverse curve which is so trippy to see water that looks like it’s…

  • Dime on a Treadmill

    So this s how you know that the first world has way too much time on their hands. Here’s a video of a dime rolling on a treadmill for just over an hour. It’s so stupidly mesmorizing that it my new favorite trick to fall asleep to. about 4 minutes of this and you can…

  • Yakibuta Ramen Youtube Video

    This is a video recipe for Yakibuta Ramen, A toasted pork noodle soup. The recipe is pretty easy and it is also listed below the video on youtube so I’m not going to type it out, but the video is exceptional. The dog that’s just sitting on the stove narrating everything is what sets this…

  • Maximus’ Argentina Plans

    Maximus Thor is a guy that has a bunch of short videos of his young son dubbed with an old black guys voice. I can’t watch this without laughing my ass off everytime the little guy speaks. “I got a line on some nazi gold, we gonna be movin’ stacks………. And makin’ racks!”  

  • Early Rage Against the Machine

    Wow, i heard of this video and when I got to checkit out I was cracking up with how young they all look. It’s back from ’92, and they’re playing in small record shop.For being a back in the day vid, the camera work isn’t bad at all and there was some work put in…

  • Cecilia

    This is a pretty awesome video done by Skeleton Crew Motion Pictures. One guy does a great job of matching up his rhythm and cropping out his different characters while playing a beat on a cup then harmonizing with different recorded clips of himself.

  • Incubus: Fungus Amoungus

    This album is a throwback from the mid 90’s. It’s nothing like the usual grunge and alternative that was around. For a bunch of high school kids using their own label, this is a well produced bunch of tunes. A mix of funk and smooth rock, there’s some badass tunes that really work.

  • Deftones Live; Concerts from ’09 and ’11

    This video is the full concert that the Deftones did at Lollapalooza back in 2011. It’s a pretty good concert, the sound guy does have his bass mix off tho, you can tell around 20 mins into it when Carp’ starts cussin’ out the sound guy in the lyrics of the song then slams his…