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Alton Browns D.I.Y. Terra Cotta Smoker

Alton Brown is a genius, here’s a quick guide from one of his shows instructing you on how to build a inexpensive hot-smoker out of Terra Cotta Pots and a Heating Element that you can get anywhere.  All the parts can be found and put together for about 50-75 bucks depending on your location.


  • Terra Cotta Pot 17″
  • Terra Cotta bowl 17″
  • Heating Element from a Hot Plate
  • 16″ Grill Grate
  • Grill Thermometer
  • Circle Pan
  • Bricks / Pieces of 2″x4″or Planter Feet for Base


You can put it all together just like in the video, Basically, place the heating element inside the terra cotta pot, place the Circle Pan on top of that, Place the Grill rack on the top of Pot and then cover with the lid. It makes for a nice weekend project that really seems like it will last a while. A great first recipe to try that’s easy and cheap as well is Alton’s Smoked Pulled Pork.

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