Tag: Video

  • Curiosity Rover has Landed on Mars!

    The Rover The Curiosity rover is a car-sized Mars rover currently exploring Gale Crater, near the equator of Mars. The rover is the largest to date, and is designed to examine whether Mars could have once supported life. It arrived on the Martian surface on 6 August 2012, after leaving Earth on 26 November 2011. These are the first pictures that Curiosity sent…

  • Animated Logos in After Effects

    I just got a new version of Adobe’s After Effects, it’s a great program for doing all kinds of Video Editing, Animation and 3D. I came up with these quick Animated Logo bumpers the other day while going thru all the settings, so figured I’d post ’em up. 1

  • Forced Perspective with a Moving Camera

    So I’m Not a fan of the Lord of the Rings at all, If I wanted to watch 3 hours of people walking and 10 minutes of fighting, I’d just go to a city park. But the camera magic behind the scenes is just off the hook. They used Forced-Perspective with Moving Cameras to give…

  • Beef Wellington

    If you ‘ve seen any cooking shows with Gordn Ramsey, they always seem to offer a Beef Wellington as one of the dishes. After seeing it done so many times,  I decided to give it a try. It’s a pretty easy recipe that really does make a great presentation on the dish, and the ingredients…

  • Black Ops Gameplay Footage

    Here’s a good 15 minutes of the first mission of the new Black Ops 2 by Treyarch. The thermal scope looks pretty cool and the gameplay seems to be a little faster. Should make for an interesting holiday season for sure.

  • Trent Reznor records Black Ops 2 Theme

    Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails recorded the new Black Ops 2 theme. From an interview, he says he tried to keep it gritty which should add a good feel to to the future set game. In honor of that, here’s some bad ass old school Nine Inch Nails vid’s from 1990!  

  • Big Mac Special Sauce

    Here’s the head chef of McDonalds explaining how to make the Special Sauce for the BigMac at home.  Worth a watch.

  • 99 Problems and the Legalities Involved

    I found this article written up by Caleb Mason, a professor of Law from the Southwestern Law School in southern California. Basically he goes thru the song and writes a synopsis on the legal choices that Jay-Z makes throughout the song. Pretty cool and really freakin interesting. You can find the downloadable pdf here =…

  • Black Ops 2 Trailor

    So the next big smash installment of Black Ops is coming soon, here’s a trailor of the new villian and some game footage.

  • Boiler Room Quotes

    Boiler Room is about a penny stock sales company that is involved with shady dealings and pump and dump schemes. There’s a lot of good sales quotes through-out the movie, here are just a few of the ones I liked enough to write down. Ben Affleck as Jim Young, one of the senior brokers and head…