Tag: Suspense

  • Casino Royale (1954): Full Movie

    The first film to feature Bond, was a 1954 hour-long tv-movie based off of the book, Casino Royale. CBS paid Ian Flemming, $1000 to adapt the book into a tv special. What’s crazy, is they “Americanised” James Bond to be “Jimmy Bond, an American Combined Intelligence Officer”  The episode aired live on 21 October 1954…

  • Prometheus: Full Movie

    Prometheus was a movie that really let me down. I had high hopes in it being a great movie since it’s part of the Aliens franchise and Ridley Scott was going to be working on it, but they were dashed after watching this one. Here’s your chance to make up your mind about it if…

  • Zombieland: Full Movie

    This has got to be one of the best zombie style movies ever made. It has everything you can want. Superb acting and writing along with perfect amounts of Action, Suspense, Horror, Comdedy, Romance, and Surprises makes for a great movie experience. For your viewing enjoyment, here is Zombieland!

  • The Ring: Full Movie

    One of the creepiest movies to involve a tv and a possessed video, The Ring brought a whole new level of horror and suspense to movies. The plot of a cursed video tape may seem stupid but surprisingly, they wtore and acted extemeely well and it really does pull you into the film. Here is…

  • Resident Evil: Full Movie

    When Resident Evil came out, it was a $102 Million success. Milla Jovovich takes the lead as Alice in this movie based off of the games. This is by far the best in the series and deserves a few watches. Here it is in it’s entirety, Resident Evil!