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Boiler Room Quotes

Boiler Room is about a penny stock sales company that is involved with shady dealings and pump and dump schemes. There’s a lot of good sales quotes through-out the movie, here are just a few of the ones I liked enough to write down.

Boiler Room Cast
Boiler Room Cast

Ben Affleck as Jim Young, one of the senior brokers and head of HR at J.T. Marlin.Read More »Boiler Room Quotes

Glengarry Glenross Speech

For anyone in a sales driven job, Glengarry Glen Ross is a must watch movie. One of the most motivational speeches you can find to fire up your sales force is given by Alec Baldwin.  Here’s a transcript I found of it online done by a David Mamet.  In this scene, Blake (Alec Baldwin) is confronting the employees of a tough Chicago real-estate office, Shelley Levene (Jack Lemmon), Ed Moss (Ed Harris) and George Aaronow (Alan Arkin) while their unsympathetic supervisor John Williamson (Kevin Spacey) looks on.

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