PS4 November 15
So now that it was official announced, you will be able to get your Playstation 4 on Novemeber 15th, November 29th for all of you overseas. With well over a million pre-orders, it’s safe to say that the PS4 is going to be the hot item for this Christmas season. They also are going to…
Put You On Hold For A Moment
Dark Knight Rises Posters
Links to Useful Websites
List of Useful Websites: With so much information online, it can seem like a sea of junk. These sites all serve a great purpose from audio / video / graphics / searching and the list goes on….
Digitech Ipad IPB-10
So this has to be one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a long time. It uses your iPad as a brain for all the different effects, amps and pedals. Great idea by a great company. When the price drops a bit on these, I will definitely be picking one up.
Monitor Your Site For FREE With Google Docs
I found this little tool for use with Google Docs that will automatically monitor and alert you on whether your website is up or down. Plus you can set it to alert you by the minute, hour day or even specific times. The document can be downloaded at the link below along with instructions for…
Free Web Fonts from Google
If you need a good base of web fonts to use for your website, Google now offers a great selection of free webfonts that you can use for your site just by adding some info to your CSS file. They have about 450+ fonts available and I’m sure more will be added as they update…
Megaupload Seizure List
So the Feds hit Megaupload last week. What is surprising is seeing the true wealth behind MU. For a company hosting downloads, their revenue was millions and millions of dollars. After the government cracked down, they itemized almost everything. Here’s a list of what they took:
iPad Browser Tester
So, since I found the iPhone browser test site, I figured I’d might as well find one to test how everything looks on an iPad. I actually have one of these but I don’t take it with me to work, so this is a quick fix to check my work without having to wait until…
iPhone Browser Tester
So, I needed a way to look at my site thru an iPhone, which I currently don’t have. But, with the power of the Googles, I found this awesome little site that will let you see how your site formats on an iPhone. Great way to test design formats without having to pay for or…