Tag: Drama

  • Godfather Restaurant Scene

    There’s a scene in The Godfather where Michael sits down for a dinner meeeting with Virgil Solozzo and Mark McCluskey. It’s such a great scene in movie history. At one point during the sit-down, Solozzo speaks to Michael in Italian, and there’s no subtitles because he’s speaking so quickly. Here is the go-between after being…

  • Prometheus: Full Movie

    Prometheus was a movie that really let me down. I had high hopes in it being a great movie since it’s part of the Aliens franchise and Ridley Scott was going to be working on it, but they were dashed after watching this one. Here’s your chance to make up your mind about it if…

  • Air Force One: Full Movie

    Air Force One is a great throwback movie. Starring Harrison Ford as the President and Gary Oldman as the Kazakhstani Villian, this 15 yr old movie is just awesome. Enjoy!

  • The Patriot: Full Movie

    I think that Mel Gibson is a helluva actor. Here’s one of the best he’s ever done next to Braveheart, The Patriot.

  • Red Dawn 2012: Full Movie

    Here’s another remake that really shit the bed. The acting is pretty terrible and the whole movies just seems forced. Of all the movies to remake/reboot, this should have been passed up. For your viewing pleasure, Red Dawn (2012).